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文章来源: Internet 文章作者: 未知 发布时间: 2002-04-24   字体: [ ]

  #define ICMP_DEST_UNREACH 3 /* Destination Unreachable */
  Some Sub Types are needed in and out, see below
  #define ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH 4 /* Source Quench */
  Allow it outbound anyway, inbound is less likely to be a problem, unless
  are doing some streaming or multicast feeding to the internet.
  #define ICMP_REDIRECT 5 /* Redirect (change route) */
  #define ICMP_ECHO 8 /* Echo Request */
  you might allow it incoming for trusted addresses (note some NICs will
  require you to make your primary DNS Server pingable!)
  #define ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED 11 /* Time Exceeded */
  helpfull if you allow it incoming, could allow exploring your network if you allow it outbound.
  #define ICMP_PARAMETERPROB 12 /* Parameter Problem */
  helpfull if you allow it incoming, could allow exploring your network if you allow it outbound.
  #define ICMP_TIMESTAMP 13 /* Timestamp Request */
  #define ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPLY 14 /* Timestamp Reply */
  #define ICMP_INFO_REQUEST 15 /* Information Request */
  #define ICMP_INFO_REPLY 16 /* Information Reply */
  #define ICMP_ADDRESS 17 /* Address Mask Request */
  #define ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY 18 /* Address Mask Reply */
  Block those on the external interface
  /* Codes for UNREACH. */
  #define ICMP_NET_UNREACH 0 /* Network Unreachable */
  ignored, so block it
  #define ICMP_HOST_UNREACH 1 /* Host Unreachable */
  allow it at least inbound, best would be if you can do that stateful
  #define ICMP_PROT_UNREACH 2 /* Protocol Unreachable */

  you can block that
  #define ICMP_PORT_UNREACH 3 /* Port Unreachable */
  you should allow that at least inbound. Be aware that some filter rules should send PORT_UNREACH on connection request (at least 137,139 and auth), so make sure not to block those ICMP packetes
  which are generated by your reject rule.

·没有防火墙是可行的 但是并不理
·netfilter: Linux 防火墙在内核

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·Windows Vista系统防火
·Win XP SP2自带防火墙设
·Check Point防火墙简介

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