Windows系统保持着一张已知的路由器列表,我们可以使用route PRINT命令显示路由表,下面是笔者的电脑运行route PRINT命令后的结果:

显然,前文中我们只是讲解了发送ICMP Ping命令,可以编写更加通用的函数以便发送各种类型的ICMP报文。下面给出了美国北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina)计算机系的开放源代码的发送各类ICMP报文的程序:
// icmp:发送各类ICMP报文 icmp(type, code, dst, pa1, pa2) short type, code; IPaddr dst; char *pa1, *pa2; { struct ep *pep; struct ip *pip; struct icmp *pic; Bool isresp, iserr; IPaddr src; int i, datalen; IcmpOutMsgs++;
pep = icsetbuf(type, pa1, &isresp, &iserr); if (pep == 0) { IcmpOutErrors++; return SYSERR; }
pip = (struct ip*)pep->ep_data; pic = (struct icmp*)pip->ip_data;
datalen = IC_HLEN;
/* we fill in the source here, so routing won't break it */
if (isresp) { if (iserr) {
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