//非正常回复 if (icmphdr->type != ICMP_TTL_EXPIRE) { //ttl减为零 if (icmphdr->type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) { //主机不可达 cerr << "Destination unreachable" << endl; } else { //非法的ICMP包类型 cerr << "Unknown ICMP packet type " << int(icmphdr->type) <<" received" << endl; } return - 1; } } else if (icmphdr->id != (unsigned short)GetCurrentProcessId()) { //不是本进程发的包, 可能是同机的其它ping进程发的 return - 2; }
// 指出往返时间TTL int nHops = int(256-reply->ttl); if (nHops == 192) { // TTL came back 64, so ping was probably to a host on the // LAN -- call it a single hop. nHops = 1; } else if (nHops == 128) { // Probably localhost nHops = 0; }
// 输出信息 cout << endl << bytes << " bytes from " << inet_ntoa(from->sin_addr) <<", icmp_seq " << icmphdr->seq << ", "; if (icmphdr->type == ICMP_TTL_EXPIRE) { cout << "TTL expired." << endl; } else { cout << nHops << " hop" << (nHops == 1 ? "" : "s"); cout << ", time: " << (GetTickCount() - icmphdr->timestamp) << " ms." <<endl; } return 0; }
为了在Visual C++中更加方便地使用发送和接收ICMP报文,我们可以使用由Jay Wheeler编写的CIcmp(An ICMP Class For MFC)类,在著名的开发网站的如下地址可以下载。
class CIcmp: public CSocket { // Attributes public: BOOL OpenNewSocket(HWND hWnd, unsigned int NotificationMessage, long NotifyEvents); BOOL OpenNewSocket(HWND hWnd, unsigned int NotificationMessage, long NotifyEvents, int AFamily, int AType, int AProtocol); int CloseIcmpSocket(void); BOOL Connect(int ReceiveTimeout, int SendTimeout); BOOL Connect(LPINT ReceiveTimeout, LPINT SendTimeout, int AFamily, int AType, int AProtocol); int SetTTL(int TTL); int SetAsynchNotification(HWND hWnd, unsigned int Message, long Events); int Receive(LPSTR pIcmpBuffer, int IcmpBufferSize); unsigned long GetIPAddress(LPSTR iHostName); int Ping(LPSTR pIcmpBuffer, int IcmpBufferSize); unsigned short IcmpChecksum(unsigned short FAR *lpBuf, int Len); void DisplayError(CString ErrorType, CString FunctionName);
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